David Hwang

July 6, 2013: Paradise aka 日月潭 (Sun Moon Lake)

Location(s): 日月潭 (Sun Moon Lake)

Taiwan map - RiyuetanWhen I came to Taiwan, I thought we would mostly be eating and shopping in Taipei city. After the three day tour throughout the mountains, I honestly didn’t think we would see anything more beautiful. And then…


Welcome to 日月潭 (Sun Moon Lake). Located in in 南投 (Nantou County), this heavenly body of water has been my favorite place to visit so far. It hosts the 玄奘寺 (Xuanzhang Temple), boat rides, and even cable cars to give you better viewpoints of the area.

A famous story is about 玄奘大師 (Master Xuanzang) who walked on foot from China to India over 17 years (see the novel “Journey to the West”).

All-day boat tours: only $100 NT (~$3.30 US)

Lalu Island - this site used to be a lot bigger but has since shrunk/sank from the 921 earthquake (9/21/1999) and other factors

Lalu Island – this site used to be a lot bigger but has since shrunk/sank from the 921 earthquake (9/21/1999) and other factors

I thought the Maokong cable-cars were cool and would be the only time I ride one, but dang, 日月潭 knows its stuff.

Spectacular view of the lake and mountains

Hah, "Keep your kid away from the window."

Hah, “Keep your kid away from the window.”

Thanks for the photo opps, 日月潭. I highly recommend this trip to anyone in Taiwan.

下一站 (next stop): 高雄 (Kaohsiung)

Chinese Lesson
日 (ri4) – day or sun
月 (yue4) – moon
潭 (tan2) – a body of water
日月潭 – Sun Moon Lake

南投 (nan2 tou2) – 南 means south, and 南投 is Nantou city or county
玄奘 (xuan2 zang4) – A Buddhist monk in years 602-664
玄奘寺 (xuan2 zang4 si4) – 寺 is a Buddhist temple, and 玄奘寺 is a temple named after Xuangzang
大師 (da4 shi1) – great master (in Buddhism)

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